Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Letter to Coach Kleats

1005 Moorpark Drive
British Columbia
V2A 8X5

Coach Kleats
Central High School
123 Main Street
British Columbia
V2A 1W3

Dear Mr Kleats:

I am the mother of one of Morgan Verissimo. I understand that you have many responsibilities to take care of being coach. I have a few concerns I would like to voice. You may also be short on time; if you would take the time to listen that would be much appreciated.

It's understandable that you must be a busy person. Though your punctuality at practices could be much better. My daughter wants to get as much practice time as possible. Often the practices could be organized in a more efficient way. While I know the better players are always the ones who everyone wants to play. The abilities of the players who sit out could be much improved if they got more playing time. A new star could arise on your team. Giving the team an even better reputation! I know from experience that positive reinforcement gets better results then negative. Instead of bring light to your players negatives you could focus on improving there skills without shutting them down. It would bring forth a more positive attitudes from all of the players. Also, I know that everyone loves to win but winning isn't everything. With the girls being so caught up in being the best, they forget how fun just playing soccer is! I know that you would do a great job reminding the girls to play hard but have fun most importantly. Thank you so much for listening to my concerns. I would love for you to get back to me about the teams continuing progress.


Brysha Verissimo

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