When you enter the halls of Princess Margaret Secondary School, situated in Penticton BC, you feel a certain air about. Unfortunately it is not the schools motto of AIR; Accountability, Integrity and Respect. It is one of hostility and ignorance; one felt in many other high schools today. During my field day to PMSS I witnessed students being jostled about in the corridors and evil glares directed towards unsuspecting victims. I was particularly interested in a course called Social Justice. Having of course such as this must mean this school is accepting, yes? Apparently not. I spoke with one of the students, Brysha Verissimo, she told me about a survey she had just done for the class.
"In Social Justice we had to make a survey; I choose the question 'How Supportive is Our School of LGBTQ Youth'. I was absolutely shocked about the results. 90% percent said our school is extremely accepting. I think most of the people didn't answer it truthfully."
Is this the truth? Are the students in high schools simply denying the fact that bullying is rampant throughout the school? The true nature of this deceptive art needs to be outed. No more should it be allowed to lurk through the hallways and pounce on injured souls. If the alumni are aware of the presence of such a thing, they should stop it once and for all! Instead of ignoring it and hoping it will just dissipate; something must be done.
A previous grad from PMSS witnessed the brutal attacks first-hand. Being outed as gay made his life miserable. Each day this student would anxiously await for the beloved ring of the bell at three-thirty. Each day this student would dread coming to school in the morning. Each day this student, was bullied. Even though heart felt apologies have been made, these scars will remain forever. His sentence his through. He is no longer the victim but there is always another victim. When will this disgrace finally come to an end? For all of our children's sake, I sincerely hope sooner then later.
"In Social Justice we had to make a survey; I choose the question 'How Supportive is Our School of LGBTQ Youth'. I was absolutely shocked about the results. 90% percent said our school is extremely accepting. I think most of the people didn't answer it truthfully."

A previous grad from PMSS witnessed the brutal attacks first-hand. Being outed as gay made his life miserable. Each day this student would anxiously await for the beloved ring of the bell at three-thirty. Each day this student would dread coming to school in the morning. Each day this student, was bullied. Even though heart felt apologies have been made, these scars will remain forever. His sentence his through. He is no longer the victim but there is always another victim. When will this disgrace finally come to an end? For all of our children's sake, I sincerely hope sooner then later.
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