Monday, June 6, 2011

What is Poetry?

Across The Universe


The Beatles

Words are flowing out like
endless rain into a paper cup
They slither while they pass
They slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow waves of joy
are drifting thorough my open mind
Possessing and caressing me

Jai guru deva om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world

Images of broken light which
dance before me like a million eyes
That call me on and on across the universe
Thoughts meander like a
restless wind inside a letter box
they tumble blindly as
they make their way across the universe

Jai guru deva om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world

Sounds of laughter shades of life
are ringing through my open ears
exciting and inviting me
Limitless undying love which
shines around me like a million suns
It calls me on and on across the universe

Jai guru deva om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Jai guru deva
Jai guru deva

Some beleive that poetry lies forever written in prose and must be titled a poem. Yet, these people have yet to discover that poetry is encompassed by many things. Most obviously, song lyrics are encripted with powerful poetic devices. "Across the Universe" by The Beatles is a perfect example. Each person takes their own unique meaning from poetry. Where someone sees love, another might see entrapment. "Across the Universe" was written by John Lennon after a fight with his first wife. The simile at the beginning, "words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup", represents the agurment his wife put forth. Even as she slept on they "slither as they pass" through his mind. The mood of the song, or poem, is a rather solemn, contemplating one. The repitition of the mantra "Jai guru deva om" furthers the reflective mood. Also through repitition, Lennon states that "nothing's gonna change my world"; this empowers the meaning of the phrase. Light is personified as a beckoning broken figure: "images of broken light...they call me on and on across the universe". The light also could be a metaphor for all the different pulls of society, telling you this and that without allowing you to even think in solitude. This particular song is showered in beautiful imagery. As the psychadelic songs plays pictures of "restless wind inside a letter box" and broken light that dances like "a million eyes". "Across the Universe" is just one song that proves that it is not only a beautiful melody but also poetry. As the lyrics encompass and caress each listener, the poetry is heard. Hidden in every song is poetry just waiting to be discovered.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Letter to Coach Kleats

1005 Moorpark Drive
British Columbia
V2A 8X5

Coach Kleats
Central High School
123 Main Street
British Columbia
V2A 1W3

Dear Mr Kleats:

I am the mother of one of Morgan Verissimo. I understand that you have many responsibilities to take care of being coach. I have a few concerns I would like to voice. You may also be short on time; if you would take the time to listen that would be much appreciated.

It's understandable that you must be a busy person. Though your punctuality at practices could be much better. My daughter wants to get as much practice time as possible. Often the practices could be organized in a more efficient way. While I know the better players are always the ones who everyone wants to play. The abilities of the players who sit out could be much improved if they got more playing time. A new star could arise on your team. Giving the team an even better reputation! I know from experience that positive reinforcement gets better results then negative. Instead of bring light to your players negatives you could focus on improving there skills without shutting them down. It would bring forth a more positive attitudes from all of the players. Also, I know that everyone loves to win but winning isn't everything. With the girls being so caught up in being the best, they forget how fun just playing soccer is! I know that you would do a great job reminding the girls to play hard but have fun most importantly. Thank you so much for listening to my concerns. I would love for you to get back to me about the teams continuing progress.


Brysha Verissimo

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Perfect Policy

Princess Margaret Secondary School is one of the nicest schools around. They know their students by name, they encourage them to reach their goals, they even try to help them attain good grades. After much deliberation they came up with the no zero policy. This perfect policy allows students to slack off, get rewarded anyways and keep up with the more "go getter" type students. Zeros have been obliterated from the school's system. Their only place is behind another number. Never again will then shine in the spot light as simply a zero.

What could make more sense then allowing students to do the work in their own time frame? Heaven forbid a teacher desires to mark all the assignments in one go. There is nothing more joyous then marking a five paragraph essay the night before term end. Not even as satisfying as having one weekend, without twenty late papers to mark, to do as they please. Teachers derive such pleasures from chasing students around. They also have the delight of calling parents. Hearing a parent scream their child's name is always a joy. All of this brilliance is because of the no zero policy.

The purpose of the policy is to allow students to achieve better grades. Encouraging teachers to grade them on their knowledge and skill, not their punctuality. This instills the most magnificent work ethic into the students. They are completely aware that nothing needs to be finished on time. As well as the fact that once they had a chance to get around to it, they still get that, "Yeah man, good on ya!", response. The no zero policy is just as good for these students as well as the less fortunate ones that actually work hard. These students work their asses off and get everything in on time. Their mark is exactly the same as the student who handed everything in at the last possible moment. Never again will they have to deal with being better then anyone! Never again will they more praise then the slacker that sleeps in the corner. The no zero policy can be accredited for this.

This school has got it right. They are pumping out students with perfect work ethics. Their students are happy, content and never break a sweat. The no zero policy has got it made. The perfect school system. When these students step out into the real world they will be prepared. They will show up late to work. They will forget to do their assignments. Their children will be just as driven. When they wake up in the morning and they get fired from their job, they will shout, "What about the no zero policy?!"

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tying The Knot, Was Not A Good Idea

"Lewis?" Fiona tested.
"Mhmm." was his grunted response.
"Lewis," she demanded, "there is something I need to tell you."
Without glancing up from his paper he murmured, "Yes dear."
"You're not even listening!" she screamed into his ear.
"What is it Fiona? Can't you see I'm busy?"
"You are always busy! You never have time for me, or the god damn kids."
"That's just not true!"
"Oh? How is it not?"
"Well, um-"
"Exactly! You are always doing work or you're always out with the boys. You are never home anymore."
"I'm home right now aren't I?"
"I can't believe you just said that! When are you going to figure it out that I am miserable? It's exhausting being a single mom, while still being married. It's ridiculous to explain to the teachers of OUR children why I am the only one they ever meet with. I am done with all of this!"
"Is that what your upset about darling? The fact that Parent/Teacher interviews slipped my mind?" Lewis said pleasantly as he returned to his paper, "Now now sweetheart, don't fret."
"This is all I ever get from you! I married you because I loved you. Now, I'm not so sure."
Lewis was shocked. Sure they had had fights in the past but none so appalling as this one. To think that he could lose his beloved wife nearly ripped his heart out.
"Fiona, you know I love you don't you?"
"I don't know anything about you anymore."
"I am so sorry."
"I'm afraid it's too late. I'm leaving in the morning."
"Please Fiona! You just can't leave me!" he pleaded. Fiona looked away, "I need time to think" she whispered. Lewis turned her face towards his, "I love you."
"Good night Lewis."

Bullying: The Hidden Truth

When you enter the halls of Princess Margaret Secondary School, situated in Penticton BC, you feel a certain air about. Unfortunately it is not the schools motto of AIR; Accountability, Integrity and Respect. It is one of hostility and ignorance; one felt in many other high schools today. During my field day to PMSS I witnessed students being jostled about in the corridors and evil glares directed towards unsuspecting victims. I was particularly interested in a course called Social Justice. Having of course such as this must mean this school is accepting, yes? Apparently not. I spoke with one of the students, Brysha Verissimo, she told me about a survey she had just done for the class.

"In Social Justice we had to make a survey; I choose the question 'How Supportive is Our School of LGBTQ Youth'. I was absolutely shocked about the results. 90% percent said our school is extremely accepting. I think most of the people didn't answer it truthfully."
Is this the truth? Are the students in high schools simply denying the fact that bullying is rampant throughout the school? The true nature of this deceptive art needs to be outed. No more should it be allowed to lurk through the hallways and pounce on injured souls. If the alumni are aware of the presence of such a thing, they should stop it once and for all! Instead of ignoring it and hoping it will just dissipate; something must be done.

A previous grad from PMSS witnessed the brutal attacks first-hand. Being outed as gay made his life miserable. Each day this student would anxiously await for the beloved ring of the bell at three-thirty. Each day this student would dread coming to school in the morning. Each day this student, was bullied. Even though heart felt apologies have been made, these scars will remain forever. His sentence his through. He is no longer the victim but there is always another victim. When will this disgrace finally come to an end? For all of our children's sake, I sincerely hope sooner then later.

College Application Essay:

I am.

I am extraordinarily ordinary. I'm often called upon do ordinary task such as killing the ferocious spider barely visible in the corner of your room or cleaning the lint from your dryer. You see, I am ordinary.

So obviously ordinary that I once attended a conference meeting on Pluto. The meeting was to discuss whether or not Pluto was ordinary enough to be a planet. It was not.

I do the everyday tasks; the ones if not done the world would explode. I drive your kids to school, pick up your trash and occasionally remind the Prime Minister to brush his teeth.

When I walk into a room, nobody flocks to me. They are simply intimated by my ordinariness. I am so plain and boring, that I achieved a 6 on my essay in Mr. Van camp's class. I was told this was, unachievable.

I am so incredibly ordinary that my house is situated inside the Krakatoa's volcano. I simply told everyone it erupting violently killing thousands. So I could have my peace.

Another example of how ridiculously ordinary I am is that when I arrive at a restaurant, I am shown to my seat AND given a menu. I do not suppose you get such an astonishing treatment.

I will not lie to you. I will not give you false pretences that I am any of the following things: stunningly beautiful, kind and considerate, amazing, fascinating or marvelous.

In fact, I'm a little bit mad but all the best ones are.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Try To Remember

Think back, to when you were five years old again. It's your first day of school. All at once you are terrified, excited and nervous enough to pee your pants. It's hard to imagine that you would ever have that feeling again. Through these twisted years you've felt every imaginable emotion you consider to be possible. Nothing compares to that butterflies in your stomach, hair knotting, grin bearing feeling of the first day of school. I'm not here to talk about that though. What I'm talking about is your last day of school. These twelve years have flown by as fast as a G6 (I'm not actually sure how fast that is, but the song makes them seem pretty fly). As the end nears people often say you see your life flash before your eyes. I've only been alive for seventeen years; lets just say there was not much to see. This ending though is something referred to as "the beginning." I'm not a fan of cliches though. The beginning was when I, being an embryo, implanted myself into my mother's uterus' lining. You can thank Mr. Haberstock for that insight. Graduation is simply the rising action. Its not the climax of life and if it was for you, I'm very sorry to hear. The last day of school has yet to come but I can already feel the pressure building. No, not the pressures of entering the "real world." The pressure that one day I am going to fall asleep and not have to wake up at six-thirty, rush to make myself look presentable and literally run to catch the bus that takes me to this prison! Uh..I mean wonderfully amazing school! When the moment comes for me to walk across that vast staging unit, I know what feeling will overcome me. That, ants in your pants, head spinning and bra burning freedom of graduation.